The "end of the world" Local Needs" starts at 50 mins 33 secs.
Coming soon - to a Kingdom Hall near you.
am a newcomer.
had a starnge metting in local news last night.. check it out.
actual info starts at 50;12.
The "end of the world" Local Needs" starts at 50 mins 33 secs.
Coming soon - to a Kingdom Hall near you.
hey this is crazyguy, forgot my password so this is my new name.
anyway be sure to all you new ones that if you post any personal info on this forum or respond to pms asking for email addresses this information maybe able to be used by wt spies to try and find out who you are!
someone has recently pmd me asking for my email address or more accurately to respond to his email address which would give him mine, this maybe an innocent request but this person also has no posting history.
The hierarchy within the WTBTS is imitating the M.O. of the Spanish Inquisition, the McCarthy witch-hunts, and Nazi Germany, namely, to plant spies everywhere in order to instil fear and obedience as a means of silencing genuine and sincere individuals who recognise that the organisation is anything but "the truth."
It's a dead certainty that the cult has spies monitoring this site just as they do with YouTube etc. So if anyone requests your private details or email etc., cut them dead!
hi there this is my first post as i’m not sure what to do.
my family (both sides) are well known in our circuit and very dedicated to the truth.
but we’re relatively normal people and i love them all so much.
Say nothing incriminating to anyone, especially your uncle. One witness can secretly record anything you divulge and then the Judicial Committee can get you.
Try the following if the wolves come looking for you:
"Thank you for your concerns brothers, but there's nothing private & personal which I wish to discuss with anyone at the moment, but I appreciate your motives and concern. If things change, I will definitely call you."
Conversation Stoppers:
1) "We only want to come and give you encouragement." = Simply repeat the response above!
2) "But how can we help you if you won't talk to us?" = "Everyone has private & personal issues which they can't discuss with others as I'm sure even elders do - I'm no different!"
3) Are you refusing to talk with us? = "No, I just don't want to discuss things right now. But it's good to know that I can call you if things change."
If they persist with their interrogation, just say 'thanks', and walk away - immediately! Do not prolong their interrogation. They can't punish you for ending a conversation!
Repeat any/all of the above to anyone who tries to extract information from you, because the Elders will get someone you trust to try and get the information out of you!
the bible clearly says a generation is 40 years (exodus and job) the 1st half of the last century saw wars, famines, pestilence.
if 1914 was the correct starting date the end should have came by the mid 1950's ( which the witnesses believed at the time) this fact alone proves beyond a shadow of a doubt.
jesus was only speaking of the events of the 1st century..
The H8ful8 in Warwick dictate that Matthew 24 has a "greater fulfilment" - and it's coming soon!
Jesus said this at Matthew 24:21 - “....for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.”
Which part of "nor will occur again" does the self-appointed "slave" (and JW's) not understand?
How can something which Jesus said would not occur again, have a "greater fulfilment?
i've been having a conversation with a young jw on twitter and have, once again, come up against beliefs that do not match up with official watchtower doctrine.
if you like you can read the full thread here (you'll need to click on some comments to open it all up).. anyway the upshot is that this jw, and many like her, believe that only truly wicked people will be killed at armageddon - not innocent babies and children or anyone who "didn't know better" perhaps because they didn't get a witness.
it's as though they cannot accept the obvious injustice of jehovah's morality.. this jw teenager believes that all these non-jw's who survive armageddon will get their chance to prove their loyalty during the 1000 year reign of christ - again, not a watchtower teaching.. i don't really have a question to ask, this is just an observation.
Just young JW's?
Previously stated experience: I asked an elder at a trolley why his literature stated that some resurrected people would be allowed to practice vile things during Christ's 1000 year reign - based on their interpretation of John 5:28,29.
He vehemently denied such a thing was said in his literature - he'd never read that anywhere. When confronted with the proof, his wriggling and squirming and double-speak were a joy to behold.
Elders are as ignorant as the minions they subvert.
in an attempt to disparage a faded jw and to obtain their personal details, he deceptively partially quoted a statement from the jw.borg web site to the new york judge when he wrote, .
"disfellowshipping does not cause family relationships to be permanently lost: "the religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain.
the marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue.
Zeb - I think lawyers do a good enough job of giving themselves a bad name! :)
the jehovah’s witnesses branch office in holbæk does not want to be interviewed, but states that in some cases they go to the authorities.. the recognized religious community of jehovah’s witnesses has an internal set of rules where religious leaders can judge on everything from smoking to killing.. this is according to a secret manual for the elders – religious leaders of jehovah’s witnesses – that tv 2 has in its possession.. precisely that fact is a testament that this is a parallel legal community, one of denmark’s leading experts in religious law believes.. and now the social democrats are calling the responsible ministers for consultation:.
– for us, it is subordinate to what god you believe in.
Are the Danish politicians just picking on the JW religion, or do they intend to apply the same pressure to Islamists etc.?
does anyone know how to recover a lost/forgotten password for this site?.
in an attempt to disparage a faded jw and to obtain their personal details, he deceptively partially quoted a statement from the jw.borg web site to the new york judge when he wrote, .
"disfellowshipping does not cause family relationships to be permanently lost: "the religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain.
the marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue.
In an attempt to disparage a faded JW and to obtain their personal details, he deceptively partially quoted a statement from the JW.BORG web site to the New York judge when he wrote,
does not cause family relationships to be permanently lost: "The
religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain.
The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings
continue." Paul D.
Polidoro - Associate General Counsel (JW lawyer)
He deliberately omitted the opening sentence - "What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah’s Witnesses?
This patently demonstrates that the ensuing information is only applicable to a JW parent. This is nothing short of blatant deception, because the JW lawyer knows that his statement does not apply to the individual being targetted.
according to the resolution of the data protection agency, the information was used for other purposes than those authorized.. the data protection agency has imposed a fine of 10,000 euros to jehovah's witnesses for collecting data from doctors and patients without prior authorization.. the religious institution has a hospital liaison committee (ceh) in each province that visits the hospitals to find out the degree of collaboration of the medical staff according to the beliefs of the jehovah's witnesses, "which is only realization of surgeries without transfusions ", is included in the resolution of the agency to which medical drafting has had access.. when compiling these data, as demonstrated by the resolution, the members of the committees overreached their duties, gathering information without requesting the relevant permission stipulated by law.
the jehovah's witnesses have filed an appeal after the ruling but it has not been accepted.. without consent.
in the document, the existence of data that have been "stored and conserved, and imply the processing of data without consent that is imputed, estimating that they are part of a file, are related as rights basics".
Good news indeed!